What is a sorting line?

We realize facilities for the treatment of solid and common waste , and specialize in the separation and conditioning of materials.

A sorting facility is comprised of several modules functioning harmoniously together.


A reception/upstream storage module

This module is the interface between the transport of collected waste and the sorting process.

It is composed of:

  • an emptying zone
  • a quality control and pre-sorting zone
  • a storage zone
  • a supply process, with a varying degree of automation


A mechanized treatment module

This module is the heart of the process. It is composed of several sub-modules:

  • A granulometric classification sub-module. The waste deposit is classified by object size under the action of different separation mechanisms.
  • A morphological classification sub-module. Certain waste fractions are taken up by ballistic or aeraulic mechanisms for separation into sub-fractions (heavy/light, adhering or not)
  • A sub-module for separation by material type. Finally, optical and magnetic sorting mechanisms recognize the material, refining separation to obtain flows of very pure materials.


A quality control module

Downstream of mechanized separation, operators control the quality of each flow and rectify any errors made by the machines.
These quality controllers operate under controlled work conditions (temperature, noise, air quality, and ergonomics/general ambiance).

Under certain conditions, this function is performed by robots (non-recyclable waste).


A conditioning/storage module

The materials, once sorted and checked, are conditioned in order to optimize their storage and transport to downstream recycling channels.

Turnkey material recovery facilities
